Priority Payments

Dan Faraldo

Why Do Shoppers So Enjoy Making Contactless Payments?

Four years ago, contactless payments practically became a necessity. The pandemic created a safety concern that being able to keep your hands off of surfaces became a remedy for. Contactless or “tap” payments made it so that consumers could simply tap their credit cards on payment terminals to complete their transactions. Today, even with the

Why Do Shoppers So Enjoy Making Contactless Payments? Read More »

The Art Of Getting Online Shoppers To Not Abandon Their Carts

Cart abandonment is more than just a nuisance to e-commerce retailers. It’s a practical nightmare! Having online shoppers abandon their carts is the equivalent of having in-store shoppers just leave their full carts at the checkout without paying for a single item. That doesn’t really happen though, does it? So why does it happen online

The Art Of Getting Online Shoppers To Not Abandon Their Carts Read More »

The Importance Of Mouthwatering Images On Your Restaurant’s Website

It should probably go without saying that your restaurant’s online menu should include mouth-watering photos. Not every online menu is created equal. A text-only menu may have vivid descriptions. However, nothing beats high-quality images to showcase just how delicious your eatery’s menu options are. Simply put, photos are integral to an enticing online menu. Photos

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