Priority Payments

Making Your Online Store A Top Valentine’s Day Shopping Spot

Tomorrow is a big day in the world of retail! In fact, Valentine’s Day is known as one of the most profitable holidays for businesses of all sizes. This is certainly true for online businesses. After all, e-commerce allows consumers to easily peruse through a wide variety of gift ideas that they can order to their front doors. With the right marketing strategies, an e-retailer can maximize sales and increase brand awareness.

What steps are you taking to make your online store a top Valentine’s Day shopping spot?

Promote e-gift cards for last-minute shoppers.

Needless to say, we have entered last-minute shopping territory. Make your online store a go-to destination for shoppers who have left Valentine’s Day shopping until the last minute. Electronic gift cards are a perfect solution since they can be purchased and delivered instantly. Promote them with messages like “Forgot to get a gift? Send an e-gift card in seconds!” E-gift cards are easy to set up and can drive revenue beyond the holiday.

As Divvia points out, e-gift cards are a last minute shopper’s dream come true! “One of the top reasons gift cards are so beloved is because they make last minute gift shopping easy,” says their blog, “Naturally, recipients can buy whatever they like with gift cards. Thanks to these convenient gifts, even the worst procrastinators are guaranteed to find something that their loved ones will be happy with.”

Optimize your site for mobile shopping.

Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a smartphone? It’s vital that your online store is super easy to navigate on mobile devices. Faysal Jaali of CodeMasters Agency informs us that “mobile commerce, or m-commerce, accounts for 40% of online transactions in Canada this year. With apps becoming more intuitive, Canadians are using their smartphones for everything from fashion purchases to grocery orders.”

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing potential sales. Ensure that your website loads quickly, the checkout process is smooth and payment options like Apple Pay and Google Pay are available. “Canada’s e-commerce market is projected to generate over $74 billion CAD in 2025, up from $65.5 billion CAD in 2024,” notes Jaali, “This growth reflects not only the popularity of online shopping but also the trust Canadians place in digital platforms.”

Engage potential buyers with Valentine’s Day-themed content.

Get on social media and highlight your online store’s gift guide. “Top 10 Valentine’s Gifts for Him/Her” is a great example of a gift guide title. Display it prominently on your company website’s home page. Don’t forget to update your website with a themed blog post. Think along the lines of “Romantic Date Night Ideas.” Also, jump on social media and post polls that ask such questions as “What is the best Valentine’s Day gift you’ve ever received?”

“For a small fee you can hire a web developer to create a seasonal landing page, reengaging customers and creating new interest in your page,” alerts Fundbox, “Web developers can also create a holiday-themed game on your website where users can click on hearts or candy to win discounts or prizes.”

Do you need to upgrade your online payment solution?

Sync your payment processing with your online shopping cart with Priority Pay’s online payment gateway! To learn all about it, please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 1-888-431-4344, emailing or by requesting a quote on our Contact page!