Priority Payments

3 More Sweet Reasons To Put Your Restaurant’s Menu Online

Gone are the days when handheld menus were the only options for restaurant patrons. Today, people are given the ability to view menus online. That way, whether they are dining in or ordering out, they have quicker and easier ways to select their meals and make their payments.

In our last blog, we listed three sweet reasons to put your restaurant’s menu online. We pointed out that it can strengthen your brand’s online presence, make your menu omnipresent and even help your staff members to upsell.

Here are three more sweet reasons to put your restaurant’s menu online:

1. You can capture more orders than your competitors.

By having an online menu, your restaurant will generate more orders. It simply makes things so much easier for the modern-day consumer. Just about everyone jumps online to research businesses before supporting them these days. With restaurants, it’s no different. People like to know what menu options are available before visiting restaurants. Your online menu makes it easier for your eatery to obtain more business.

“The more convenient you make it for customers to order from your restaurant, the more likely a customer will choose your restaurant instead of a competitor,” insists CloudKitchens, “Just think of when you’re going to make an online purchase, if there are too many steps along the way, chances are you will go somewhere else.”

2. It will maximize your table turnover rates.

When customers know, beforehand, about all of the items on your menu, they can enter the doors of your restaurant already knowing what they want to eat. Naturally, this helps for the order process to speed up. When your wait staff is able to take orders and bring them to the tables quicker, your restaurant can turn more tables over. This means welcoming more customers than normal and, as a result, generating more revenue.

“You realize that the more people you serve, the more cash you will generate,” writes Vinupradha of Fresco Fud, “You have to turn your tables over in a productive way to do this. Also, you need to do this without telling your customers you know, you need them to eat and leave, you need not eat and wait.”

3. It can generate partnerships with other restaurants.

Have you ever considered working out a cross-promotion arrangement with another eatery? It may sound like a strange decision to connect with a competitor, but it can significantly grow your customer base. When you think about it, everyone likes variety. They’re not going to choose your restaurant for 100% of their meals. But, by visiting other restaurants and receiving word about your place of business, they’re bound to give you attention you may otherwise not have received.

“It may seem counterintuitive, but partnering up with other local restaurants can help you expand your customer base through cross promotion,” says CloudKitchens, “It’s as simple as offering a special discount on a partner’s website or social media page and having them do the same on your website. You can also bundle deals by partnering up with other restaurants that complement your menu.”

Is your restaurant’s menu online?

Let Priority Pay help you quickly set up your restaurant’s own Online Ordering System. Stop relying on third-party apps and increase revenues with a system designed just for your business. Give us a call at 1-888-431-4344, email us at or request a quote on our Contact page!